Combien de temps un chat peut-il rester seul à la maison ?

This is a question that’s on the minds of all cat owners before they go on vacation. « How long can a cat be left alone at home? ».

If I had written this article before the beginning of this year, I would have said that it’s not a problem for the cat to be left alone at home for even 5-6 nights. There should be plenty of food and water and a clean litter box with high-quality litter that neutralizes unpleasant odors. I’ve experimented with this, and it didn’t seem to be an issue when two cats were left alone at home for 5-6 nights. However, it’s out of the question to do this again and leave them alone for more than two nights, especially if no one would be checking on them.

Que devez-vous considérer avant de laisser votre chat seul à la maison ?

Combien de temps peut-on laisser le chat seul à la maison ? Si vous avez le courage de laisser votre chat seul pendant 2-3 jours, il y a quelques points à garder à l’esprit.

Le chat doit avoir accès à de la nourriture et de l'eau

Leave dry food (kibble) in large bowls, with twice the amount they would normally need for the duration of your absence. We’ve noticed that our cats tend to consume much more food when left alone, probably due to stress or an instinct that kicks in when cats are left alone. It’s an instinct that tells them they need to eat whatever they can find. They don’t really have the concept of « let me save some food for later. » Avoid leaving them with meat, cold cuts, canned food, or any other type of food that could spoil.

It’s a good idea to have water in at least two large containers, like buckets or bowls. The larger the volume of water, the longer it will stay fresh and oxygenated. Place the water containers in different locations and keep them out of direct sunlight. You should also consider that your cat might knock over a bowl while playing or jump into it, contaminating the water. That’s why it’s advisable to have at least two water containers.

L'utilisation d'un distributeur (dispositifs d'alimentation automatique) n'est pas recommandée. Un dysfonctionnement ou une panne de courant pourrait laisser votre chat sans nourriture.

Laisser votre chat seul à la maison ? Sécurisez la zone où il restera.

Don’t be under the illusion that a cat left home alone will behave and sleep all day. Cats are playful, curious, and unpredictable. The saying « curiosity killed the cat » didn’t come out of nowhere. Before you walk out the door, make sure that you don’t leave any open outlets, extension cords, or exposed electrical cables in at least the area where your cat will be. If your cat hasn’t chewed on cords before, it’s no guarantee that it won’t do so one day.

Don’t leave the windows open for your cat, not even slightly ajar. I’ve heard of many unfortunate experiences where a cat left home alone got trapped with no escape in the window’s opening angle. A cat caught in the window’s opening will be like a pair of scissors, and the more it struggles to escape, the more it will suffer.

If you plan to leave its food in bags, cut the handles off. It can get tangled in them while playing and choke or seriously injure itself. Similarly, don’t leave your cat with toys that have strings or ribbons in which it can get entangled while playing.

Shut off the water and gas if there are stoves and/or sinks within your cat’s area. It’s unlikely that a cat could open a stove, but you shouldn’t underestimate them. As for the sink, some models can be opened just by a cat rubbing against the water’s on/off system.

Provide hiding spots for your cat, but don’t give it access to drawers in dressers or chests, places where it could get stuck and potentially injure itself.

Attention to Objects Within the Cat’s Reach

Even though cats are often little angels in the presence of their owners, things can be entirely different when they’re left alone. If you don’t intend to replace your TV, make sure it’s securely anchored and can withstand shocks without « fainting » when the cat is left alone. The same goes for pots, lamps, or other decorative objects that might be within the cat’s reach.

If you don’t want to find vertical blinds in place of curtains and drapes when you return, it’s a good idea to keep them out of the cat’s reach within the area where the cat will be left alone. Even if your cat hasn’t had an issue with them before, being left home alone might turn your cat into an adventurer. Trim your cat’s claws before leaving home. Your couch and office chair might just survive when the cat is left alone.

Laissez une personne de confiance rendre visite au chat au moins une fois par jour

I’m not a fan of cat hotels. Taken out of their familiar environment, a cat is likely to experience more trauma than if left alone in the house where its scent is spread everywhere – a scent imperceptible to us, humans. It is highly recommended to have someone visit the cat daily, whether it’s a relative, a trusted neighbor, a friend, or a pet sitter. There are services provided by individuals who, for a fee, can visit the cat every day. I don’t recommend leaving the cat alone in the house for more than two nights.

Although it’s often said that cats aren’t as attached to their owners as dogs, I’m not so sure. I say this from my experience with our cats. A cat can suffer from the absence of its owner or interaction with other people. Just like humans, cats have different temperaments, perceptions, and manifestations of emotions.

Certains chats sont sociables, tandis que d’autres le sont moins. Certains chats créent un lien visible avec leurs propriétaires, d'autres s'attachent immédiatement à toute personne qui entre dans la maison et leur prête attention – ou leur fournit de la nourriture. Il y a des chats qui, même s'ils ne préfèrent pas être caressés et tenus tout le temps, souffrent quand même lorsqu'ils sont laissés seuls à la maison.

Notre expérience avec nos chats. L'imprévisible et l'inévitable

We have a cat who’s been with us for a few years (Șoricel, 10 years old in 2019, female). Whenever she sees us preparing the suitcase and bags, she visibly goes into depression and completely ignores us until we leave the door. She has associated the presence of the suitcase and bags with solitude for the foreseeable future. We’ve tried to make her loneliness easier by leaving her comfortable spots and my worn T-shirt from the day of departure. She’s a very obedient and loving cat but not the type to smother you. The only exception is when her belly demands some good food. Otherwise, she’s more of a « let me leave you alone » kind of cat, though she never refuses a belly rub and some attention.

She waits for us every time we return home, with many « stories » meowed out loud and the desire to be petted and given attention. We thought that having two cats would change things. They would keep each other company, and they wouldn’t miss us as much. Wrong.

Three years ago, in the summer of 2016, Puff appeared. A kitten who quickly managed to become a part of Mouse’s and our lives. Her playmate. She was the new family member, my office buddy, and my friend. I couldn’t move around the house without her following me or at least keeping an eye on me. She was attentive to everything I did and very energetic, just like all young cats, eager to play and explore.

À la fin de l’année dernière, nous les avons laissés seuls à la maison pendant quelques jours. Pendant cette période, ils recevaient la visite d’un proche au moins tous les deux jours. Le 31 décembre, Puff était plein d'énergie et enjoué. Le matin du 2 janvier… Puff a été retrouvée en train de rendre son dernier souffle dans la petite boîte où elle adorait dormir. Aucun signe de blessure, de violence ou quoi que ce soit qui aurait pu laisser présager ce moment. Elle avait l'air de dormir. Un jeune chat de seulement 2 ans et demi, plein d'énergie et sans aucun signe visible de problème médical.

Unfortunately, we weren’t with her, and we’ll never know for sure what happened. « Why? » and « How? » remain unanswered questions. « We weren’t with her » is a constant regret, and the helplessness to change anything. Veterinarians said that most likely, depression or a heart problem led to this outcome.

Setting aside the tragedy, after I had recovered from the shock, I couldn’t help but ask myself, « What if this unfortunate event had occurred last summer when they were left alone for 5 days without anyone checking on them? » You can imagine for yourselves what the consequences might have been. Heat and a lifeless body left alone for several days in a confined space don’t create the happiest scene, nor the most pleasant smell. Perhaps the neighbors would have broken down the door.

Combien de temps un chat peut-il rester seul à la maison ?

Alors, avant de déclarer que vous avez le courage (comme je l’ai fait un jour) de laisser votre chat seul à la maison pendant plusieurs jours sans que personne ne le surveille, considérez que l’imprévisibilité fait partie de la vie de tout être vivant.

In conclusion, our experience has taught us that even though cats may seem independent, they thrive on companionship and human interaction. While it might be tempting to believe that a cat can be left alone for extended periods without consequences, the unpredictable nature of life reminds us that having a trusted person visit your cat when you’re away is not just a convenience but a crucial measure to ensure their well-being and safety.

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