New Year’s Eve is the most dangerous night for animals and birds. In this article, you will find some useful tips on how to protect your cat from New Year’s Eve fireworks.
While for many people New Year’s Eve is a time of joy, fireworks, and the bangs of firecrackers that come with this night of the year, are not at all pleasing to cats and other non-speaking creatures. Unfortunately, some irresponsible individuals (to be gentle) use these pyrotechnic materials even before the New Year.
Regrettably, at the beginning of each January, the internet and the poles around homes are flooded with announcements of missing dogs and cats, who, scared by the bangs of firecrackers and fireworks on New Year’s Eve, have run away from home. This is the happiest scenario, one might say, considering that some cats can experience severe strokes and panic attacks following the scare caused by a firecracker. Conditions that can lead to death or irreversible degradation of the quality of life.
In many countries, there are no laws prohibiting the use of these pyrotechnic materials, and on New Year’s Eve, real tragedies have occurred for animals and birds. In a small town in the American state of Arkansas, 5,000 dead birds were reported following New Year’s Eve fireworks, causing acute trauma.
I have seen swans crossing the Vltava River chaotically, in large flocks, while on Charles Bridge (Prague), there was a real inferno caused by the bangs of firecrackers on New Year’s Eve.
Returning to cats, we would say that those most affected by the bangs of firecrackers are indoor cats. It is true that an « urban cat » will not feel comfortable with a firecracker exploding near it, but these cats are more accustomed to sudden loud sounds than a cat living in the comfort and tranquility of an apartment.
How to Protect Your Cat from New Year’s Eve Fireworks
In the case of indoor cats, it is best for the owner to be with them on New Year’s Eve, especially at 12:00 a.m. when the bangs start to be heard from all sides.
Les chats perçoivent très bien l'état des personnes à proximité, et si les propriétaires ne sont pas paniqués, le chat surmontera plus facilement le choc du bruit. Essayez de calmer votre animal en lui offrant ses jouets préférés, sa nourriture préférée, des caresses douces, mais… sans le tenir dans vos bras contre son gré. De nombreux chats, lorsqu’ils ont peur, s’enfuient même de leur maître et deviennent agressifs. Laissez le chat se cacher dans un endroit choisi de la maison, où il se sent plus en sécurité. Cependant, ne le perdez pas de vue et essayez de l’approcher doucement sans l’effrayer davantage.
A good idea is toys made from « catnip. » This plant has a calming, relaxing effect and induces a sense of well-being.
If you are away on New Year’s Eve, and the cat will be alone at home, it is highly recommended to close the windows, doors, and do everything possible to dampen the outside noise. Leave the TV or music on at a moderate volume. In this way, the noise from outside will be greatly muffled by the sound from inside, and the cat will be much calmer. Leave a night light on.
En rapport: 10 conseils pour protéger votre chat des feux d’artifice et des pétards
Dans le cas des chats de cour, il est bon de les héberger au moins dans un hangar fermé où ils ne peuvent pas s'échapper, s'il n'est pas possible de les garder à l'intérieur pendant une nuit. De cette façon, vous pouvez protéger le chat des explosions de pétards et de feux d’artifice.
From the experience with Buffy, we noticed that there is also a « vaccine, » which, of course, we do not recommend. Habituation. As certain sounds that scare them are repeated, cats will get used to them, and they will not be so scared.
Buffy, le nouveau membre de la famille, un chaton d'environ 6 mois, aussi énergique et enjouée qu'elle soit, est également effrayée lorsqu'elle entend des sons forts. C'est le genre de chat qui disparaît dès qu'il entend le son de l'interphone ou de la sonnette.
The sporadic bangs of firecrackers begin to be heard long before New Year’s Eve. At the first bangs, she reacted very badly. Wide-eyed, she hid and was panicked. As she kept hearing them every day, I can say that she got used to them, and now she has no problem if she hears a loud bang. However, we do not risk leaving them alone on New Year’s Eve. After all, New Year’s Eve is a family affair.