Pourquoi les chats se cachent et quelles sont leurs cachettes préférées

Do you know why cats hide and what their preferred hiding spots are? Let’s explore curiosities from the world of cats together.

If you’re already a cat « parent, » you’ve probably noticed that your feline friend likes to hide and nap in the most unexpected places. Under the bed covers, in the hallway closet, among the clothes on the shelves in the wardrobe, in boxes, and in other spots that challenge your imagination when you try to find her. Especially since many cats don’t even come when called if they’re hiding somewhere.

Hiding is part of a cat’s instinctive behavior, with their ancestors seeking isolated, high, dark, or secluded spots to hide from dangers and give birth to their offspring. By nature, felines are curious and cautious animals, and hiding, especially when they sleep, is ingrained in their DNA. They want to be in a safe place, ideally elevated or secluded, where a potential threat would be harder to reach them.

Pourquoi les chats se cachent et quelles sont leurs cachettes préférées

Même domestiqués et bénéficiant de toute la chaleur et de l’attention de leurs propriétaires, les chats domestiques ne font pas exception à cet instinct. Si vous laissez la porte du placard ouverte, 99 % des chats trouveront un moyen d'atteindre une étagère à vêtements et de créer entre eux un nid chaleureux et bien caché. La même chose se produira si vous apportez une boîte suffisamment grande dans la maison. Sans hésitation, après une brève inspection, ils entreront dans la boîte et la réclameront comme la leur.

In the case of shy cats, they tend to hide when you have guests, make renovations, change the home environment, or introduce a new member to the family, even a furry one. Changes in their surroundings and interactions with new people prompt them to stay secluded in a place where they feel safe. It’s their way of coping with changes and protecting themselves from potential dangers or stressful situations.

In more serious cases, a cat may hide due to health issues. They may seek secluded and cool places in the case of internal infections or other conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to observe if your cat becomes restless, aggressive, excessively vocal, loses interest in people and toys around, stays still and hunched, stops using the litter box, or neglects grooming.

Ce sont des signes évidents de douleur et d’inconfort, et une visite chez le vétérinaire ne peut être reportée. Il est essentiel de demander une assistance médicale pour diagnostiquer et traiter toute affection ou maladie dont votre chat pourrait souffrir.

Typically, cats choose to hide and relax after a more hectic day. Even if your cat isn’t scared of the vacuum cleaner noise, for example, they may be bothered by it. During and after cleaning, they will look for a secluded and quiet place to rest. Often, after cleaning, we jokingly say, « our cats are tired as if they’ve been cleaning all day, not us. » It’s a common reaction for cats to seek a relaxing spot after periods of activity or events that disrupt their routine.

D’autres raisons pour lesquelles les chats se cachent peuvent également être liées à leur race ou à leur instinct de prédateur.

Cats are natural predators and use their hunting instinct to track and capture prey. Before engaging in a hunt, they may hide, carefully observing the surrounding environment and assessing potential hunting opportunities. A typical behavior is to crouch low, preparing to pounce at the right moment. If a cat suddenly appears and jumps at you, it’s a sign that she’s excited and ready to play.

Les chats aiment aussi espionner. Ils recherchent un point de vue sûr et élevé d’où ils peuvent observer tranquillement leurs propriétaires et tout le territoire environnant. Ils choisissent généralement de se cacher dans des endroits élevés, comme le dessus d’un placard ou un haut rebord de fenêtre, pour avoir une meilleure perspective de l’environnement.

Cats are known for their tendency to sleep a lot and seek quiet places for rest. « Do Not Disturb » (DND) est un état privilégié pour eux lorsqu'ils souhaitent se reposer tranquillement. Ils choisissent de se cacher dans des endroits confortables et de s’étendre pour dormir paisiblement.

These behaviors are an integral part of a cat’s nature and reflect their instincts and individual preferences. It’s important to provide your cat with the opportunity to express these behaviors in a safe and comfortable environment where they live.

Quelles sont les cachettes préférées des chats ?

Boîtes en carton, no matter how small, are adored by cats as they offer a soothing, warm, and comfortable space. Additionally, why cats hide, the sides of the box allow them to peek at what’s happening around or if their territory is being invaded.

Les paniers à linge offrent le confort nécessaire. If you can’t find her all day, you might come across her when you want to do the laundry or iron clothes.

Sous le lit, les oreillers ou les couvertures. Under the bed, she’ll feel safe if she’s scared or timid, and under blankets and pillows, she likes it simply because they are fluffy and warm. Especially during the cold seasons, don’t be surprised to see some « lumps » under the blanket.

Le placard. The enclosed space of the closet perfectly isolates the noises in the house, allowing the cat to enjoy beauty sleep all day. Also, there’s the comfort provided by the clothing inside.

L'évier. Même si cela peut paraître étrange, un chat peut choisir de se prélasser dans le lavabo ou la baignoire, surtout pendant la saison chaude. L'évier offre la fraîcheur dont ils ont besoin.

Sacs et sachets. Despite being a potentially dangerous place as a cat could suffocate, many felines choose bags and sacks for relaxation. This is after they’ve roamed them through every corner of the house and played with them. Additionally, why cats hide in bags and sacks could be attributed to their playful nature and the cozy feeling they provide.

En rapport: Comment éloigner le chat du sapin de Noël ?

Où avez-vous trouvé votre chat en train de dormir ?

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