Pourquoi les chats ont-ils la langue rugueuse et à quoi servent-ils ?

Even though for many people it’s a mystery that arouses curiosity, feline lovers know well why cats have rough tongues and what purpose they serve. This anatomical feature, found exclusively in felines, primarily helps them clean their fur and eat. Besides feeding and grooming, there are many other interesting curiosities about the anatomy and functionalities of a cat’s tongue.

Before we explore the purposes of their rough tongues, let’s briefly look at the anatomy and why feline tongues are rough.

Pourquoi les chats ont-ils la langue rugueuse ?

The structure of a cat’s tongue is remarkable due to the presence of keratinized conical papillae, known as filiform papillae. These microprojections are composed of keratin, a substance also found in the composition of the cat’s nails and hair. The essence of the roughness of a cat’s tongue lies in these filiform papillae, which, upon touch, prove to be particularly rough.

A study published in 2018 revealed a fascinating fact about the structure and shape of the papillae present on a cat’s tongue. It was found that the papillae on a cat’s tongue have a shape similar to that of spoons and feature hollow tips. These hollows serve as reservoirs for saliva accumulation, which the cat later uses to clean its fur.

À quoi servent les langues rugueuses chez les chats ?

Les principales raisons pour lesquelles les chats ont la langue rugueuse sont le nettoyage (le toilettage de leur fourrure) et l'alimentation.

Le rôle d'une langue rugueuse dans le toilettage et l'hygiène du chat

Cats are perhaps the cleanest terrestrial creatures. Cats are renowned for their meticulous care of hygiene, spending a significant part of their time on grooming activities. Their rough tongue, studded with keratinized conical papillae, is an essential tool in this daily routine. These papillae, with a shape similar to spoons with hollow tips, not only act as efficient reservoirs of saliva but also evenly distribute the liquid into the cat’s fur.

Lorsqu'un chat lèche sa fourrure, ces papilles éliminent non seulement la saleté visible et les poils morts, mais également les bactéries et les parasites potentiels qui peuvent se loger entre les mèches de poils. Grâce à ce processus, le chat assure non seulement une hygiène irréprochable du pelage mais également un environnement sain et dépourvu de menaces potentielles pour sa peau.

Furthermore, the rough papillae serve as natural brushes, aiding in the removal of fur and preventing the formation of knots or the unsightly settling of hair strands. Through constant cleaning and grooming, a cat’s rough tongue is a vital instrument for maintaining skin health and achieving a shiny and well-groomed coat.

La langue rugueuse des chats aide à sécher leur fourrure

Although we say that « a cat washes itself » when we see it licking its fur, it is good to know that a cat’s rough tongue is also a useful tool for drying its fur if it is wet from rain or after a bath.

Si la fourrure est mouillée, le chat recourt à sa technique de toilettage distinctive, utilisant sa langue rugueuse comme un astucieux outil de séchage. Par des mouvements répétés, le chat lèche sa fourrure, absorbant et évacuant l'eau en même temps. Cette capacité offre non seulement un confort rapide, mais constitue également un mécanisme essentiel de régulation thermique. Grâce à ce rituel de toilettage, le chat retrouve non seulement sa sécheresse et son aspect élégant mais gère aussi habilement son confort face aux brusques changements environnementaux.

Alimentation et expérience culinaire

The conical papillae on a cat’s tongue are not just a cleaning tool but also a clever ability during the feeding process. They allow the cat to perform precise grasping of food pellets, avoiding the risk of losing them during eating. This ability becomes crucial in urgent situations, such as when multiple cats share the same living space or in the case of street cats, which often need to eat at a brisk pace.

Les chats ne sont pas les seuls à avoir une langue rugueuse. Les grands félins comme les lions, les tigres ou les léopards utilisent la râpeur de leur langue pour nettoyer la viande des os de leurs proies. Si un lion ou un tigre nous léchait la main, nous aurions la même sensation que si un chat nous léchait, mais en beaucoup plus intense. Bien sûr, il vaudrait mieux que personne ne tente de ressentir cette sensation chez un lion ou un léopard.

Another fascinating aspect of a cat’s tongue is its richness in taste receptors and sensors, arranged among these spikes. This remarkable configuration makes the cat extremely selective in its food choices. Refusing to consume food it does not adore, a cat can remain unfed for an extended period, regardless of how fresh and appealing the pellets may seem in the bowl. In contrast, dogs have a much less finicky approach to their food, being willing to eat almost anything, even spoiled food, a tendency inherited from their ancestor, the wolf, which consumes decomposing carcasses in moments of pronounced hunger.

Les chats boivent de l’eau dans un style unique

A cat’s tongue has a very interesting anatomy, with the tip bent backward, taking the shape of a spoon, allowing it to drink in a completely different style than ordinary dogs. To drink water, a cat runs its tongue over the water’s surface and only bends it upon retraction to bring the water into the oral cavity. This is exactly the opposite of dogs, whose tongues form the spoon at the front. The action is so rapid that the water forms a continuous stream, and to capture water from this stream, the cat closes its mouth very quickly.

En rapport: Pourquoi l’hypersalivation se produit-elle chez les chats – Salivation excessive

Conclusion : Pourquoi les chats ont-ils la langue dure et à quoi servent-ils ?

En conclusion, la langue rugueuse des chats, avec ses papilles coniques distinctives, représente une adaptation remarquable et multifonctionnelle, offrant à ces félins un outil essentiel dans leur vie quotidienne. Du nettoyage de leur fourrure à la gestion de la nourriture en passant par des activités telles que la boisson et l'hygiène personnelle, la langue rugueuse des chats remplit toute une série de rôles essentiels.

A cat’s tongue is not just a symbol of their elegance but also a captivating example of how evolution has sculpted these creatures to adapt to their specific environment. With their unique tongues, cats not only meet their physiological needs but also add a touch of mystery and beauty to our interactions with these wonderful feline companions.

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