고양이 행동

고양이의 나이를 사람 나이로 계산 – 자세한 내용

안에 이전 기사, we outlined the stages of a cat’s life, from kittenhood to geriatric. In this article, you’ll discover your cat’s age in human years, including the equivalent of each feline age in human years.

The values are estimates and vary greatly depending on the species’ evolution and each cat’s breed.

A comprehensive table to help you understand your cat’s exact age.

Your cat’s age in human years

1 month6 months
2 – 3 months2 – 5 years
4 months6 – 8 years
6 months10 years
7 months 12 years
12 months15 -16 years
18 months20 – 21 years
2 years24 years
3 years28 years
4 years32 years
5 years36 years
6 years40 years
7 years44 years
8 years48 years
9 years52 years
10 years56 years
11 years 61 years
12 years64 years
13 years68 years
14 years72 years
15 years76 years
16 years80 years
17 years84 years
18 years88 years
19 years92 years
20 years96 years
A complete table with your cat’s age in human years.

It’s notable that only after one year of life, a cat reaches the equivalent of human adolescence, and at 15 cat years, it’s already in old age. From 2 years to 10 years, one year in a cat’s life equals 4 human years. This calculation continues in increments of 4 after the age of 12. Thus, you can determine your cat’s age in human years.

According to Guinness, the world’s oldest cat lived for 38 years and 3 days. Creme Puff the cat was born on August 3, 1967, and passed away on August 6, 2005, in Texas, USA.


만약 환생이 있다면, 다음 생에는 나만의 고양이가 되고 싶습니다. 내 거!

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